Why is becoming positive and staying positive so hard? Positive thinking can be complicated. Sometimes it is so much easier to stay in our negative bubble. It’s also exhausting and sometimes staying in that funk takes a toll on us mentally and emotionally. When I am in that negative space, I notice my patience is thin and I just want to hide. To help myself, I have to take a minute to take care of myself. Being a mom is so hard and sometimes being positive is too. So, to help us on this motherhood journey, I have listed 10 simple ways on how to be positive as a mom. Enjoy!
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I know, I know, you don’t want to hear this because as simple as it sounds, it’s so hard to remember to do it. When you take 3 deep breaths it releases so much out of your body and centers your soul. When I feel the negativity coming on and I’m getting frustrated, I try to remember to stop and breathe. This helps me to stay positive daily. Magically, it works, every time.
Evaluate what brings you down
So, let’s be honest, 2020 has been hard. I found myself staying in a negative mindset this past year. So, I took a moment and looked for what was keeping me in this negative bubble. I realized I was watching the news too much, reading more about politics than normal, and spending too much time on good Ol’ Facebook. Something needed to change. I quit watching the news, stopped reading political stories, and deleted the Facebook app off my phone. Let me tell you, I felt so much better almost instantly. So, take some time and see what or who is bringing you down and does not give you positivity in your life. Do what you can to stop it. If its the news, cancel your subscriptions, if it’s a person find a way to get them out of your life. Your happiness is more important, I promise.
Take Care of Yourself
This is SO hard as a mom. I remember the newborn days and my family telling me to go take a shower. Anyone else? It’s the little things that matter the most. Whether it’s reading for 10 minutes, taking a bubble bath, or even watching your favorite movie, if it’s important to you, do it. I have a blog post all about self-care as a mom. You can read that here. This will only recharge yourself and allow you to have happiness. This can help you stay positive and happy every day. Give to yourself. It’s worth it!
Positive Affirmations
If you tell yourself something enough you will start to believe it. One thing I do each day is read a list of positive affirmations or listen to affirmations on YouTube. This sets my day up in a positive way. I suggest doing this when it’s quiet and you can really focus on the affirmations. You are instilling positive words about yourself into your soul and it’s a beautiful thing. So, take a minute or ten and go tell yourself all the things you love about YOU! Below are my affirmations I like to read to myself and affirmations I watch on YouTube.

One simple way of how to be positive as a mom is to meditate. This has helped me release so much negativity, anxiety, and anger. I meditate for at least 10 minutes each day. Let me tell you, I can feel when I haven’t meditated. The difference is crazy. You can easily find guided meditations on YouTube, below my favorite is linked. I also use these meditation cards and this book helped me to learn how to meditate. Just give yourself 10 minutes a day and your mind will be in a much better space.
Find Your Joy
Doing the things you love brings your energetic vibration up. It helps you stay positive. When you feel that negative bubble coming remember your why. Remember the reason you love being a mom. When things are getting hard, stressful, and I just want to hide I go on my phone and look at all the photos of my children. It instantly reminds me of how grateful I am and instantly brings me positive vibes. So, find things that make you happy.
The age-old saying is “laughter is the best medicine” and it’s true. When I am feeling down and need a quick pick me up I go watch one of my favorite funny shows or clips of them on YouTube (thanks Netflix for taking Friends away). This makes me smile, laugh, and just feel good. Laughter is good for the soul.
Look at the Bigger Picture
So, normally, when we are feeling negative something has caused this. Take a look at all of that something. Look at it with a new perspective. Ask yourself, is there a lesson I need to learn? How can I grow from this? How can I change my reaction next time so I can stay positive? Having a positive attitude about the situation can help you stay calm. When you can change the perspective and look at the bigger picture it can change your feelings and help you stay positive.
Feel Your Feelings
I know you don’t want to, but as soon as you feel them you will be able to release those feelings. It’s okay to be angry, sad, and cry. It’s good for you to let the emotion out. It gives you your voice back. Write your feelings out, draw them, or even go to the woods and scream as loud as you can. By doing this those negative emotions are not able to stay in your body. You will be free and be able to successfully let go.
Let go
Elsa was right when she told us “let it go.” The longer you hang on to the negative the longer it takes to heal and get to the positive. Sometimes hanging on hurts us worse than moving on. No matter what it may be there is always a positive. Once you find how to be positive, you can easily let the negative go.
I hope these 10 ways on how to be positive as a mom helps you in your motherhood journey. Remember you can’t spell journey without joy. Stay peaceful.