Unit studies are one of my favorite subjects we do in homeschool! My kids love it because they normally choose what we will learn about and I love it because they get to do the unit studies together. I first discovered unit studies in my first year of homeschooling and our curriculum was just not working out, which you can read about that here. So, I did some research and stumbled upon unit studies, subjects you can learn about with the whole family. Firstly, I bumped into Gather Round Homeschool‘s unit studies and loved what she came up with it. However, I was looking for something secular. So, I decided to create my own and my children absolutely love them! I will show you how to create a unit study with my top 5 steps to creating a successful unit for your family!
1. Goals
The first question you need to ask yourself is what do you want to accomplish in your unit study? What will this subject bring to the table for learning? I always list my goals for our units. I have even included my kids in this question. Like I said above, my kids normally choose what topic they want to learn about. Asking them the simple question of why helps me figure out our goals for the topic.
2. Resources
What resources do you need to complete this unit study? Is there a specific textbook or videos you want to read and watch? Are there certain objects like a map or a globe you might need to help teach about the subject? Normally, I use what we have around the house and just do quick searches of ideas to create ourselves. I usually have a dedicated book that we use and branch off through our unit studies.

3. Vocabulary
Now, this is totally optional. For instance, I use vocabulary for my 6th grader but not my 1st grader since he is still learning to read. Therefore, I just use words I want to include in the unit study for him. I usually give him 1-2 words a week when we are going over a unit. So, I just find words in our resources we are using.
4. Books
I like to use books to expand on our unit studies. Like in step 2, I have one main book we use for the unit but I add additional books to go with it. This changes things up and adds more history and different perspectives. I will use Who HQ books or any biographies that will go with our unit.

5. Activities
This is my favorite part. I love researching through Pinterest or thinking up my own activities to do with my kids. This can be anything too. We have done baking for our unit studies, painting, and crafts. My kids love doing these activities and the best part they get to do them together.

In conclusion, this is how to create a unit study. It really is simple and I hope this helps you in your homeschool journey. Therefore, I have a free guide to help you create your unit study. Enjoy and stay peaceful.