As a new baby has been brought to the world, there are so many things to adjust and transition, along with healing and enjoying this new little one. One thing I found challenging with my newborn was trying to homeschool my other children. I’m not sugar-coating it, it was hard at first. I even questioned if I could do it. But I didn’t let this new stage in our life take away my joy of homeschooling. So, today I am sharing with you my tips on how to homeschool with a newborn.
Take your time
My first piece of advice is to take your time getting back into homeschool and your normal schedule. Having a newborn changes schedules and until you can get the groove of a baby wait to get back to homeschool. This also gives you the time to heal and connect with your new baby without the pressure or guilt of not homeschooling your other children. Remember you have plenty of time to teach your others, this newborn stage only lasts for so long. Enjoy it.
Do the bare minimum
When you are finally getting back to your homeschool, do the bare minimum if that works for you. I did this with both of my babies and am so glad I did. We did core subjects only and it only lasted us about 30 minutes a day. It worked for that season of our life. I wasn’t stressed and it kept homeschool simple. Homeschool with a newborn, at first, can be intimidating. Transition slowly. It helps. You can check out my simple homeschool schedule to help with transitioning.

Welcome more breaks
Between diaper changes and feedings allow for more breaks. Breaks help everyone. It helps stop overwhelm for the older children and it helps you to have time with that new little one. This is one thing I personally struggled with because I like to keep going once we get started. But realistically, it does not work. What I did find after these many breaks, my children were more eager to do homeschool because they had a breather. Breaks are a wonderful thing!
Do the subjects you love most
If you are still feeling intimidated, do the subjects you and your children love the most, as you transition back to normal schedules. This keeps everyone happy, which helps the day go smoother. So, if your children love art and reading then keep it simple and do those two things for your homeschool. Remember freedom with homeschool allows this!

Lastly, accept that you can only do so much in this new period of life. You have a new little one that loves and needs you just like your other ones and that’s okay! You also just gave birth, nobody expects you to bounce back to where you were before. Sometimes we need extended breaks and just need to do what we have to do to survive. Motherhood is hard. Embrace where you are and it’ll eventually all come together. This is your homeschool and it can be whatever you need it to be, especially during big changes in life. Homeschool with a newborn isn’t always easy.