January Read Alouds for Homeschool

As the new year has approached us, the transition has begun. Our homeschool goes back to some normalcy and routine. I, personally, love it because the children know what is expected. So, today, I am sharing with you all of the books we will be reading throughout January that I keep in our morning basket. From books about snow to Martin Luther King, Jr. Most of these books we will be reading together and most I will be leaving in the morning basket for them to read whenever they like. This is our January Morning Basket for Homeschool.

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Winter books

Now that the holidays are over I like to incorporate the season of winter into our morning basket. Many of the books are winter-themed and I love to pull them out and get cozy with blankets. Some incorporate different animals which we discuss and can easily learn about after reading. Here is a list of our favorite winter books.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

In January, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebrated. Throughout the month I like to spend teaching about him, his life, and how changed the world. I like to use The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr. for the week of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as it is a chapter book and a wonderful read aloud.

I hope this inspired you for your January Morning Basket for Homeschool. Remember your morning basket can be anything you want it to be. What do you keep in your morning basket?

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