A big part of our homeschool are read alouds. I enjoy sitting down with my children and just reading to them. It is so fulfilling for all of us. Most of the time the children will pick what they want to read about and other times I will choose something or someone to learn about. This past week we learned about Mister Rogers. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about him. For this unit study we used books, YouTube, and even created a play. Here is a look into our Mister Rogers unit study.
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We used two books for this unit study. The main book we read was Who Was Mister Rogers? by Diane Bailey. We love The Who Was books. They are a wonderful source of history. This book explained his life and important events. The second book we used was A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. It contains all of his songs and lyrics. We enjoyed this book. I was so excited to find this book. Each day we would read one to two chapters from Who Was Mister Rogers?. To end we would follow with the songs he wrote in the other book.
We watched a couple of different videos about him. This included his songs, like the introduction of his show and the time Mister Rogers spoke with Congress for PBS. Daniel Tiger was also a favorite in our selection of videos.
The activity we did was creating a puppet show. The kids built their stage for the show. They created their own puppets, as well. We used Daniel Tiger print outs and taped them to wooden dowels. They created their own storyline for the puppet show. I explained the elements of a story and we created a story bubble to outline their play. They performed their puppet show to our family.

We really enjoyed learning about Mister Rogers. The Mister Rogers unit study was such a success. It allowed for unlimited creativity, songs, and an adventure in learning. Here is the free Mister Rogers Unit Study Printable.
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