I know, it’s repeatedly said to make sure to take of yourself. But sometimes finding the time just to even shower is hard and sometimes impossible. So, I have collected 10 self-care ideas for busy moms that do not take much time to do. They can be done while your little ones are napping or even as they are playing independently. Here are my self-care tips for moms
Skin care routine that makes you feel refreshed
I have come to really enjoy doing my skincare every morning and evening. When I wash my face it’s like washing away the day. When I put my moisturizer on its like I have a new face. I feel prettier and put together when I take the time to do this. Call me crazy but I even sleep better.
Even if you only have five minutes. Just become aware of your breath. Put your hand on your heart and feel it as you breathe in and out. If you have difficulty staying focused during meditation, YouTube has so many guided meditations. Out of all of my self-care tips for moms this is by far my favorite and most important tip.

Create mommy affirmations
I have a note on my phone titled Mommy Affirmations. It has inspiration for me as a mom. Reminders of parenting techniques I have learned and read about that are important to my parenting. This self care tip takes me about 2 minutes to read and I can do it while fixing breakfast for my children. I make it an effort to start my day with these. I hold myself accountable. Here are some examples:
- “In every job that must be done there is an element of fun.” Mary Poppins
- “You are doing the best you can.”
- “Be the mom you want them to remember”
- “Smile every time you see them.”
- “Remind them how special they are.”

Reading a book for you
You know what book you have been wanting to read. I know you are too busy in your motherhood, but give yourself 10 minutes to read it. With my kids, most days I tell them we are having 10 minutes of reading. Even my kids who can’t read will look at their books for a little while. Most of the time it lasts much longer than the 10 minutes as well.

Buy those jeans you have been wanting
I think sometimes we forget we are worthy of new things that make us happy, like clothes. When I was postpartum, I did not enjoy getting dressed. Nothing fit me like it was supposed too and I felt so lost. I didn’t have my identity in my clothes anymore. It was actually my husband who told me to go get some clothes. My baby had plenty but I completely forgot about me. And the good thing is Amazon is only a click away.
Nap when the baby naps
This. Yes. If you feel you need to relax and clothes your eyes for 20 minutes. Do it. The dishes and laundry can wait. There have been many times I regretted not napping during quiet time. I’d be over-exhausted by dinner time. For your own sanity (and our loved ones) take the nap. You will feel better and can complete more.
Taking a few minutes to stretch your body allows you to relax for a minute. I do this with my kids before we homeschool every day. My kids love it and giggle every time which allows me to have joy as well. Kids love to be apart of anything you do.
Watching the sunrise or sunset
The moment of the morning beginning or the day ending is so beautiful. Nature is perfect in every way. This is something I love to do especially with my family. It’s calm and we are able to watch the day wake up or go to sleep. Enjoy the moment.
Listen to your favorite music
I love turning on my Spotify and hearing my favorite songs while I cook. It gets me to dance and most of the time my kids involve themselves in my little dance party. These are joyful moments that I cherish.
Go for a walk
As simple as this is I have to write this in my to-do list every day or it will not happen. I enjoy being outside and having fresh air. Allow this a time to think. Most of my ideas come from a walk. So put on your favorite leggings and enjoy what nature has to offer.
I hope these 10 self-care tips for moms helps you in your motherhood journey. I know they will give you the clear space and mind to succeed in your job as a mom! Stay peaceful!
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