TagNature Basket

What Is in Our Nature Basket?

How to add nature studies to your homeschool. Nature study for homeschool. Homeschool nature study. How to nature journal. Nature journal for homeschool. Nature anatomy and homeschool. How to use Nature Anatomy for homeschool. Nature Anatomy by Julia Rothman. Nature studies in homeschool. Nature studies. Nature basket. What is in our nature basket for homeschool. #homeschool #homeschoolnaturestudy

I love to be outdoors and so do my children. We live in Indiana so we have to accommodate the weather the majority of the time. But it does not stop us from being outside in the fresh air, even if it’s just a walk around the neighborhood. One way I have included nature to our homeschool is by creating a Nature Basket. It contains all the things my littles may want or need to explore outside. My children strive […]

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