One of the top questions I get about homeschooling is how do we afford it. Yes, it’s so easy to get on the comparison train here in this online space. But it’s also crucial to remember your homeschool is just that, your homeschool. It can be whatever you want or need it to be for your children. Over the years I have found that we just need the basics to be successful. My children don’t need fancy tools or the most expensive curriculum to excel. So, today I am going to share with you 8 ways to save money homeschooling.
Now, books are a must in my home and I am constantly on the search or purchasing new books for my kids. I joke with my husband all the time that we need an insurance policy for our books. But in reality, it gets expensive. So, we are always taking trips to our local library. It’s free and in an abundance. I am always able to find what we need for lessons. Also, you can always put books on hold. One of my favorite things to do is search Amazon for books and then put them on hold with the library to make sure we will love them. This is a great and wonderful resource we love to use! Our library also has book sales. I love these because normally I can get books for a quarter! It’s every book lover’s dream!

Local Parks
To stay free, we love to go to our local parks for nature studies. We always bring our nature journals and snacks then spend our afternoon outdoors. It’s perfect for getting the kids outside and exploring. One of the best ways our children learn is through play.
One of my other favorite free things to do is search Pinterest for ideas. There are millions of different homeschooling activities and lessons there that are mostly free. I always search there first for our unit studies and for book lists. Most of the time I can easily and cheaply recreate what I have found and it works wonderfully.

Teachers Pay Teachers
Another way to find curriculum and resources is through Teachers Pay Teachers. Some of the resources are free but most you pay for, but they are very inexpensive. Not only is it affordable but you are supporting another individual for their time spent on creating. I love that small gesture because their time is worth it.
Thrift Store
Some of the best books, activities, games, puzzles, etc. I have found were at the thrift store. It saved me money and most of the resources are almost new. I love thrifting, especially for our homeschool. Sometimes I find nothing but most of the time I find treasures. I also like to use I have found curriculum on there and teacher’s editions for a very cheap price.
Rebate Apps
One of my favorite things to do is use rebate apps to help us save money. Why? Because with some I can receive cashback or gift cards. I save the money and gift cards I earn with these apps specifically for our homeschool. The apps I use are Ibotta and Fetch Rewards. With Ibotta you earn cashback, which I love! All you do is search the store and items you bought and scan your receipt. It gives you cash back for all your favorite things you bought. When you download the app you can use my referral code for Ibotta to earn cash immediately. My code is wmkqwfp. Fetch Rewards, you earn points that lead to gift cards. All you do is scan your receipt and they give you points for what you bought. When you download the app you can use my code, WX4HQ for Fetch Rewards to immediately earn points.

Social Media
Okay, so sometimes curriculum just doesn’t work and so one way I try to earn my money back is selling it on my local homeschool Facebook page or on my Instagram. It’s pretty easy and I always sell it. I have also found where other homeschool parents are doing the same or even giving it away.
Homeschool Blogs
More ways to save money on homeschooling is by reading homeschool blogs. They have helped me so much in homeschooling because so many people have so many wonderful ideas that they share. Most of these ideas are free too! You can check out all of my homeschool freebies here! That was one reason I started my blog was to help other homeschoolers in their journey. It has been so much fun to share and write these snippets in my own space on the internet. It has also brought in income for my family to help with our homeschool. You can check my shop out here! You can start your own homeschool blog by clicking on the image below.

I hope these 8 ways to save money homeschooling helps you in your homeschooling journey. It doesn’t have to be expensive to homeschool. It can even be completely free with just your local library and some creativity. Stay peaceful!
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