5 ways to homeschool multiple children successfully
Having multiple children to homeschool all at once can be scary and sometimes stressful. I have three children, two are homeschooled and their ages range from 10 to 1. Sometimes my husband can help with my younger one but most of the time it’s just me. Therefore, I had to find ways to successfully homeschool without chaos. So, here are my tips on how to homeschool multiple children.
Involving Everyone
My first piece of advice is to involve all children. Don’t be afraid to allow everyone to join. Use what you have and get creative with it. My children learn best through music and hands-on activities. We are always listening to or making up our own songs and doing crafts. I always involve all of my children in the best way I possibly can. Whether it’s having a dance party if we are painting I allow my one-year-old to paint too with watercolor and reusable brushes. This keeps the peace and nobody feels left out. And most importantly everyone is learning.

Unit Studies
This helped me succeed so much. I allow my kindergartner and 5th grader to choose what they want to learn about when it comes to history, science, art, etc. We decide on something and I will normally prep the unit to fit both grades. We do something that is simple for my kindergartener and I will give my 5th grader a little more to do that fits his age. Most of the time he is able to do it independently so I can help my kindergartner with the activity.
Allowing my older children to help teach my younger ones
I encourage my older child to help the younger ones. This is normally just with reading or a project they both want to create. They are both learning. They are learning to work together and have patience. This has been so helpful especially when my one-year-old is needing me.
Having specific toys just for homeschool
We have tons of toys just like everyone else. Most get unplayed with and some are well-loved. I take the toys that aren’t played with often and put in a bin and only pull them out only during homeschool. This allows my one-year-old some independent play and eventually my kindergartner will join her. They are always excited about these toys because it is something new.

Encourage Independent Learning
This has been one of the best ways to help us complete our homeschooling days. As my children start learning something normally they start to do it on their own. At the beginning of the year my kindergartner needed my help for everything but now he knows what he is capable of doing because I gave him the independence and guidance to try on his own. My 5th grader does most of his school on his own now. He will normally come to me with questions if he really needs the extra help.
What are some ways you homeschool all your children to help ease the day?

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