I love to be outdoors and so do my children. We live in Indiana so we have to accommodate the weather the majority of the time. But it does not stop us from being outside in the fresh air, even if it’s just a walk around the neighborhood. One way I have included nature to our homeschool is by creating a Nature Basket. It contains all the things my littles may want or need to explore outside. My children strive for adventure and I absolutely love it. So I am here to share all of our supplies.
1 Nature Anatomy: written by Julia Rothman
I love this book. It shows all things nature in such detail. The pictures are also so gorgeous. Sometimes we try to find (the best we can) some of the trees, flowers, and animals in the book. My littles also like to redraw and paint the pictures once we have found them to compare.
2 Water Color Brushes, Paint, and Sketchbooks
These are my favorite. They give my children the chance to create outside. They have even painted leaves instead of paper. This gives them a chance to tell their own story and interpretation of our nature adventures.
3 Water
I do this for the paint, to create mud, or to paint with water on the driveway. Water is a wonderful, easy tool to use in your nature adventures. It promotes so much creativity.
4 Jars, Containers and Popsicle Sticks
If your little ones are anything like mine they love to collect and hoard all little rocks, sticks, and “whose its, whats its, galore.” I like to have these handy for them so if they see anything they might want to collect they can. We use the popsicle sticks for anything they may want to stir and build on our adventures.
5 Test Tubes and Microscope
I bought these plastic test tubes from Dollar Tree and they have been so useful in our nature adventures. We have collected small rocks, created mud, and all other things the little ones have wanted to use them for. I bought the microscope from Amazon (link) and its the perfect size for our basket. We have been able to identify different leaves and flowers from our Nature Anatomy book with this little thing. These are perfect in allowing my children to be the best scientist they want to be.
Do you have a nature basket? If you do what would you put in your nature basket?
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