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One of the top homeschool questions I receive is, “how do you teach math?” My answer, how I teach all of our subjects, research. When I first began homeschooling my kindergartener was only doing preschool at the time. So, when the new school year came around I started really looking at different Math curriculums. Upon my research, I found the Horizons Math curriculum and thought that this may be our perfect fit. This was our first year using it. We used it for my 5th grader and kindergartener. I fell in love with this book and here is my complete Horizons Math book review. I have listed out the pros and cons of this book.
Horizons Math Books 1 and 2
So for each grade, you get two small books. These will be your whole curriculum for math. At first, I wasn’t sure about this concept but as we moved along the book it made it easier for my kindergartener to carry around and it wasn’t overwhelming. It also brought ease to their minds because it wasn’t a huge math book as we have had previously. I used book one for our first semester and book two for our second semester. The lessons are labeled out which helped me keep track of our days and how far we had come.

The Illustrations
Now, I know in math you don’t think of illustrations but this book has them. It’s colorful and bright. They even have math equations that require the student to color themselves and I love that. It takes away the stigma of math just being numbers. My kindergartener loved having crayons beside him during math. He enjoyed the different problems that allowed him to be creative.

The Lessons
In the teacher’s edition of this book, it is explained in great detail how this book works and helps the student not just learn but understand the equations. The lessons contain the repetition of previously taught concepts and this has helped my children succeed in math this year. I have watched my kindergartener become more confident in his math skills because of this book.

Cost Effective
Another reason I was drawn to this book was the price. It is about twenty dollars for each book. I kept finding math curriculums for way more that did not offer what these books offer. The teacher’s edition is about forty dollars but that’s still not terrible and I can keep them for when my kids get to those grades. I actually found my teacher’s edition at Thriftbooks for half the price. I have found them for these prices on both Amazon and Christianbook. Christianbook does have a bundle for about eighty dollars which includes both books and the Teacher’s Edition. You are also able to buy one book at a time so that gives you a chance to try it before buying the whole curriculum.
The Teacher’s Edition
This teacher’s edition is so thorough. They give you an overview, materials and supplies list, teaching tips, and activities to do with your child. All of these help them understand the concept. I feel as though this book understands all children are different, therefore learn differently. It also has in-depth ways of how to teach that particular equation to your child. Thanks to this format my kindergartener was able to count to 100 in no time. I found this so helpful and quickly referred back to it when my child need a little extra help.

Lessons could be a little long
My only con for this book is lessons could be a little long. As my kindergartener progressed in this book, I found the lessons would get a little lengthy. He would get quickly frustrated and didn’t want to complete the task. Some days I would have to only assign a few for him so we could get through the lesson. This didn’t happen often.
I hope this Horizons Math Book Review was helpful. I also hope it helps you in your homeschool journey. If you have older children I have a Horizons Math Curriculum Review for Fifth Grade here. Stay peaceful.

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