Three years ago, for many reasons, we decided to homeschool our oldest boys. I remember that summer slightly freaking out because I did not even know where to begin. Once I began researching, honestly, I felt more lost. There were so many different homeschooling styles, curriculums, and a lot of chaos. I remember wishing I had a checklist to help me prepare for my first year of homeschool. So, today I wanted to share with you 5 ways of how to homeschool.
Find out your state’s requirements
The very first thing you need to do is find out your state’s laws and requirements for homeschooling or home education. Every state is different, some have to approve your curriculum and some require testing. One of the best resources I used was my state’s Department of Education website. Another wonderful resource is HSLDA. The site tells each state’s laws and how to homeschool.
Research different homeschool methods
Okay, so I say this lightly because one show doesn’t always fit all. There are so many homeschool methods of teaching that can stress you out. I remember hearing so many homeschool moms talk about Charlotte Mason, Waldorf, Unschooling, Secular. I was so confused and lost. So, I took the time to research them and I am so glad I did. Honestly, we use so many different styles of learning. I can’t put us in one box because it doesn’t work for us.
Deschool you and your children
Homeschool is not doing school at home, it’s a way of life. Children are always learning and they don’t have to just learn sitting perfectly at a table with a pencil and textbook. Learning could be cooking in the kitchen, playing outside, or even reading a book. Remember the reasons you want to homeschool and go from there. Yes, we have a homeschool room but some days we don’t even use it. I would much rather teach fractions by baking cookies than using a textbook. Once I gave up the perfectionism of homeschool not needing to be like the school I felt so much freer. So, let go of what you do know and embrace the change. I promise it’ll make it easier.

Find homeschool curriculums that work for you
Now, I know this can be overwhelming but it’s worth it to do the research. In our first year of homeschool, I just used the same curriculum my mother had used for me when I was homeschooled. What a mistake that was! We stayed stressed, nobody was having fun, and it felt like a chore. So, my second year I did so much research and our second year went so much smoother. The curriculum I picked fit us. So, before you buy anything write out what you want your curriculum to have, what you want your children to learn, and include your children. They know what they want to learn and they will be excited about it. You can check out my Kindergarten, 1st-grade, 5th-grade, and 6th-grade curriculum.
Lastly, relax
I know it sounds easier than it is but trust me it helps. Don’t worry about what others are doing just remember why you are homeschooling. Nothing is perfect and there will be obstacles but this helps you learn with your children. It’s okay if you have not found the perfect curriculum yet or your children are grumpy about it. We all have those days. Remember, you know your kids best and you know what you need to do to help them succeed. Learning how to homeschool is part of the journey. You’ve got this, Mama.