Anyone else has trouble sticking with routines? As much as I try to stay in a routine I always fail at them. I get good momentum and then I just can’t stick with it. I have always been one to procrastinate and have always just accepted that. I like to call it organized chaos because that’s what it feels like. So when I began homeschooling there were lots of calendars that came with certain curriculums and lists we had to complete. I did my best to keep up but it caused a lot of stress and there was no more fun in learning. Therefore, I had to figure out a better way that helped us all. So, now I use ONE calendar and this is how we utilize them. Here is my simple homeschool schedule.
My Weekly Calendar
So, we are now in our third year of homeschooling and have a good momentum going. In my second year, I created this calendar for our homeschool. It was a game-changer for us. I keep them in a 3 ring binder to keep and have sectioned them off for each child. My stepsons are in 6th and 1st grade, so, I really needed something to help keep them separated. I fill the calendar out every Sunday. It contains what page numbers we need to for our assigned curriculum and the group work I would like to do but for the week. I have found also that this calendar has helped my children in keeping up with what needs to be completed for the week. It gives them independence as well.

Our Simple Homeschool Schedule
Here is a draft of what our homeschool schedule looks like for the day. We normally start at 10 am and finish by noon.
- 10:00 Morning basket. I have a post on this and what it is here.
- 10:15 My oldest does his independent work while I help my kindergartener with his work
- 11:00 My youngest has completed his work and is playing. I go over anything my oldest completed in that time frame.
- 11:15 I help my oldest with the work he needs me for.
- 12:00 We are finished. They have the rest of the day to play, read, do chores, or go outside.
- 3:00 Nature Basket. We don’t do this daily. I try to do this with them at least 3 times a week. I have a post on our basket here.
This system works for our family. Somedays our days are shorter and somedays they are longer but we just go with it. Life isn’t always perfect and that’s okay. Even if we need to organize the chaos.
What does your homeschool schedule look like?
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