First, I want to say, I am not an organized person, at all. I find it difficult to follow schedules but for my children (and my own sanity) I do my best to follow a schedule. When I first stayed home with my kids I was more go with the flow but it caused me a lot of stress. I finally had to come up with a better system. Here is my stay at home mom schedule that helps me stay motivated.
Schedule the night before
I have found that writing my to-do list the night before has helped me, tremendously. Things are more likely to get done and my mind is more clear before bed. I am a pen and paper person, who needs to mark it off. This helps me feel like I have accomplished so much. This also helps with my mornings because I am not rushing to get everything done.
Set the alarm an hour before your kids wake up
I have a whole post on my 6 am morning routine. This is the time for me. It allows me peace and serenity. It puts me in a much better mood for myself and my kids. I make it a ritual to grab a glass of water and meditate every morning. By the time my children wake up, I am more patient and ready for my snuggles and one on one time with them.
That first hour they wake up is to allow stories, snuggles, and imaginative play
My kids have exact times that they wake up at and they know this time, in the morning, we have no schedule. This is my favorite time of day because of the peace and it’s a perfect moment in our life.

Our meals are eaten the same time everyday
I do this because snacks will be begged for all-day long. My kids know when breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner are. This also helps me with my meals throughout the week. What takes longer to make? When do I need to begin? It’s consistent.
Cleaning up through the day is always in our schedule
This has helped keep the house tidy and the toys aren’t just everywhere. It also helps with my little ones not being so overwhelmed with toys that they don’t want to play. We normally clean up before lunch and before our bedtime routine. I normally delegate with each child what toys or areas to clean up.
Having independent play time
Making sure I know that this is in our day causes less chaos. It also instills so much learning on their own and with their siblings. Playtime is so important and allows them so much independence in their own little worlds.

Nap time or Quiet time allows everyone peace
I only have one who naps now. My other two have quiet time during nap time. This gives me a chance to do my work. This is such an important thing as a mom. Always give yourself time to yourself. Just because you are a stay at home mom doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a break as well. It helps mentally, especially on those hard days.
Scheduling time outside
I love being outside along with my kids. This gives us fresh air and is always an adventure even if we just go for a walk or play in our yard. Once I get my kids outside they never want to come inside. I absolutely love it.
Nighttime routine
All of my children go to bed at different times. So I get a good thirty minutes with each one, alone. I love this time in the evening with them. They get my individual attention and I get to learn who they are more. Stories are read, snuggles are given, and events of the day are shared. It is so special.
Here is my free printable for a Stay at Home Mom’s schedule. I hope it helps make your life simpler and easier. Remember to stay peaceful.