This is my second year homeschooling my 5th grader. This year I wanted something easier that didn’t require a lot of my attention and more independent work. Now we only have 6 weeks left and I would say it was a very successful year for both of us Here is our 5th-grade homeschool curriculum.
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Horizons Math
My 5th grader does not love math and it would show when we would do math equations together. So, I really wanted something that would help his confidence in learning math. I found Horizons Math Grade 5. Wow, this book is amazing. This is by far my favorite math book I have found. It is Christian based but it’s not too much if you are looking for something more secular. It is so colorful and it teaches new concepts and repeats previous concepts for each lesson. There is a test every new chapter which is about every 2 weeks and he always does amazing. He is actually learning and can teach himself the lesson most of the time because of their simple explanations. He now knows his multiplication tables and division so much better now. I am so proud.

Language Arts
For English this year I found Learning Language Arts Through Literature. It’s one book that contains everything in English. From spelling to grammar to reading. I love the convenience of this book and it always brings up discussion in my 5th grader. Honestly, sometimes it can be too easy for him and next year I will probably go up a grade. He has a lot of freedom in this book too. He is able to choose his spelling words and look them up himself. Which really broadens his vocabulary. English is his favorite subject.

This year we focused on typing. At the beginning of the year I taught him the basics of the keyboard and just created sentences for him to retype. We took our time so he could really master typing. Most importantly, he will need to know this as he becomes older. Now we just find games specifically designed for typing. One game he loves is TypeRush. In conclusion, he progresses each day.

I hope this helps if you are looking for an 5th-grade homeschool curriculum that is mainly independent study.
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